Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Screening 'Screens'

I watch an average of 7 films a week in my DVD player.

I screen movies and I collect the ones I like.
Now, I have a collection of, more or less, 300 DVDS and my collection is still growing. (My beta tapes, VHS and VCDs are a different story).

I watch movies for the entertainment they provide, the occasional facts, technicalities and ideas I get from them, and for the inspiration they give me.

Movies makes me see ordinary things in a different light.
In movies, there are no impossibilities. The imagination is limitless.

And though I have watched too many movies that I will be able to know anyway what's too improbable and what's achievable, I am still a believer of what movies can do, and of the possibilities of the dreams they create.

If one will just screen what is good from The Screen, and put it into good use in real life, then one can achieve something glorious.

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